Email Address

Phone Number

(505) 407-6784


1314 Madeira Dr SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108

Your Voice, Your Vote
Black Voters Matter

New Mexico

Black Voters Collaborative

The New Mexico Black Voters Collaborative is a non-partisan collective designed to increase voter participation among eligible Black/African American voters and allies in New Mexico. The collective is composed of local Black-led organizations who have come together to support outreach, education, and get out the vote strategies for national and local elections.


Increasing Black Civic Engagement
and Black Voter Turnout

The more Black voters that the NMBVC gets to the ballot box, the more the Black community in New Mexico takes action toward representation and acting on the knowledge that “our vote is our voice”. 

Voter Outreach

Connecting the importance of our vote today to the history of the fight for our right to vote.

Voter Education

Raising the visibility of Black people in New Mexico by demonstrating our understanding and participation in the election process. We will highlight Black candidates who are vying for public office without endorsing. Profiling these candidates and firsts in our state legislature and Senate.

Voter Mobilization

Increasing voter participation while also prioritizing voter protection.

“The black voter turnout rate declined for the first time in 20 years in a presidential election, falling to 59.6% in 2016 after reaching a record-high 66.6% in 2012.”
Pew Research Center

We Will Vote

From 1965 until 2013 we had been protected by The Voting Rights Act. Then the Supreme Court struck down a key provision of the Act which required states with histories of voting discrimination to get federal approval before changing election laws.

Intimidation tactics and other methods of voter suppression targeted at the Black community continue to this day. We face unreasonably long voting lines in communities with large populations of people of color, Photo ID laws are used to suppress the vote of people of color, polling places are shut down, and we continue to witness states reverting to more discriminatory practices that restrict the voting rights of Black Americans.

We will not allow this to stop us. We will vote.  

The New Mexico Black Voters Collaborative is now enacting a campaign to get out the vote. In this campaign we will educate and encourage our community to vote. We look to the Absentee Ballot to vote from the safety of our homes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage members of our community young and old to not let our fight for the right to vote have been in vain. From now to November 3rd, we will do everything in our power to make our voices and the voices of our people heard through our vote.

It is our right to do so. 

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