Educational Resources

Learn and Get Certified

LinkedIn offers a variety of online training courses, many of which offer professional certifications. If you’re looking into a new career or expanding your knowledge, take a look at the on-demand trainings offered by LinkedIn. Best of all, you can get free access if you have a library card! 

Get Access to More Than Just Books

Did you know your library card can give you access to not just books but also audiobooks, music, digital magazines, public computers, meeting rooms, and more? Sign up for a library card today!


Resources for Jobseekers

A comprehensive database for job seekers where you can set up a profile, post a resume or find training opportunities. 

Find A Job

You can browse the many job opportunities online or find a local workforce solutions site to visit in person.

Explore Career

CareerOneStop is an interactive explorations site to explore careers, plan your future, and get help to reach your goals.

Job Preparation

The Workforce Solutions center can assist with writing resumes, practicing for interviews, and assessing your skills.

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