Category: Food & Cooking
Food Service Vendor Training
Are you interested in starting your own food truck, expanding your catering business, or getting involved in any kind of food business—from canning Grandma’s famous jam to opening a full-service restaurant? Then this FREE training is for you. Learn skills like developing a business plan and registering your business.
Plus, learn about how you can become part of City of Albuquerque special events like Juneteenth, Black Business Month, Food Truck Friday, Balloon Fiesta!
Food Service Vendor Training
Are you interested in starting your own food truck, expanding your catering business, or getting involved in any kind of food business—from canning Grandma’s famous jam to opening a full-service restaurant? Then this FREE training is for you. Learn skills like developing a business plan and registering your business.
Plus, learn about how you can become part of City of Albuquerque special events like Juneteenth, Black Business Month, Food Truck Friday, Balloon Fiesta!
Holiday Meal at Whittier Food Hub
Celebrate with the community at this special end-of-the-year meal! Share delicious food, connection with others, and wishes for the year to come.
Senior meals start at 2:00, general meals from 3:00 to 6:00.
This is the last ID Food Hub open day of the year, but they’ll be back in January to keep serving the International District community!
Downtown Winter Market
Enjoy a cozy indoor-outdoor market bringing together local growers, artisans, and food vendors. Winter vegetables! Eggs! Honey! Handcrafts! Monthly this winter, Jan. 11, Feb. 22, and Mar. 15.
Downtown Winter Market
Enjoy a cozy indoor-outdoor market bringing together local growers, artisans, and food vendors. Winter vegetables! Eggs! Honey! Handcrafts! Monthly this winter, Jan. 11, Feb. 22, and Mar. 15.
Downtown Winter Market
Enjoy a cozy indoor-outdoor market bringing together local growers, artisans, and food vendors. Winter vegetables! Eggs! Honey! Handcrafts! Monthly this winter, Jan. 11, Feb. 22, and Mar. 15.
MLK Breakfast
Attend the annual MLK Breakfast at the Embassy Suites, hosted by Grant Chapel AME.
$50.00 per person ($35 for kids). To purchase, contact Mr. Galvin Brown at (505) 293-1300.
Thanksgiving Family Dinner
Enjoy a classic Thanksgiving meal and plenty of family fun at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center. *Meals will stop serving after 6:30 p.m.*
Reservations required. Call 505-764-6475 to sign up. This event is free with a Department of Senior Affairs membership.
Downtown Growers’ Market Gala
Support the Downtown Growers’ Market at an unforgettable evening of celebration, community, and great food! Your $45 ticket includes event entry, drink and raffle tickets, a three-course meal. live auction, music, and an awards ceremony.