International District Engagement and Support (IDEAS) Network

New Mexico Black Leadership Council’s International District Engagement and Support (IDEAS) Network is a new initiative designed to showcase the strengths of businesses in the International District through an online business directory, periodic meetings, events, and initiatives aimed at mobilizing the business community during times of both joy and sorrow.

The IDEAS Network aims to:

  • Link and Leverage Resources: Provide a platform for businesses to access and share resources
  • Showcase Business Strengths: Promote the diverse and vibrant businesses of the International District
  • Mobilize the Business Community: Organize community events and initiatives that support and uplift local businesses
  • Provide Support: Offer a support network for businesses during challenging times
  • Promote Access: Membership is free, with numerous benefits for participating businesses

IDEAS Network in the News

Add your business to New Mexico Black Leadership Council’s IDEAS Network!

Join the International District Engagement and Support (IDEAS) Network in our work to improve public safety, provide entrepreneurial resources, and enhance the business ecosystem within Albuquerque’s International District by filling out the IDEAS Network Survey here

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