To get out the vote for the 2020 election, the New Mexico Black Voters Collaborative asked New Mexicans to share stories about why they vote.
On a sunny morning just before Labor Day, Megan Bott and Mason Graham of the New Mexico Black Voters Collaborative (NMBVC) set up a video camera on a main intersection in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico. The goal was to record members of the community sharing their most memorable voting experience and why they personally believe in the importance of voting. This was part of phase 1 of the NMBVC action plan: voter outreach. The video series connects the importance of the vote today to the history of the fight for the right to vote.
The downtown streets were nearly empty, as the gradual reopening of the city in the wake of the pandemic had just begun. Many of the people involved in the NMBVC project had not seen each other since February, before the lockdown. The few moments of masked, socially distanced reunion were poignant and bittersweet.
Scroll down to find out, in their own words, why members of the community are voting in the 2020 election.
Why I Vote: Kindra Hill, Senior Project Coordinator, NMBLC
Kindra votes to choose candidates who reflect her values and will provide what is needed in her community.
See the full answer in the video below:
Why I Vote: Megan Bott, Marketing and Communications, NMBLC
Megan votes to make her voice heard in all the spaces of life.
See the full answer in the video below:
I stand on the shoulders of giants of the civil rights movement.
–Sean Cardinalli
Why I Vote: Sean Cardinalli, Alterity Entertainment, Truth to Power NM
Sean votes to honor those giants who risked life and limb so that he could exercise his right.
See the full answer in the video below:
Why I Vote: Shannon Moreau, Writer, NMBLC
Shannon votes because the outcome of her vote has a direct impact on her life.
See the full answer in the video below:
Why I Vote: Sydney Tellez, Associate Director at Common Cause New Mexico
Sydney votes to keep representation open for all people, including the disenfranchised.
See the full answer in the video below:
Why I Vote: Erica Davis-Crump, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Advocate
Erica votes because voting apathy creates detrimental effects that last for years.
See the full answer in the video below:
Why I Vote: Alex Curtas, Communications Director for New Mexico’s Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver
Alex votes to uphold the hard-fought right of all citizens to vote.
See the full answer in the video below:
Why I Vote: Tracy Dingmann, mom, former journalist
Tracy votes because her ancestors protested and sometimes died for her right to vote.
See the full answer in the video below:
I am never going to give up that right.
–Tracy Dingmann
Vote no matter what.
Look for special TV spots of Megan, Sydney, Alex, and Sean on New Mexico PBS!
Watch more videos on the New Mexico Black Leadership Council YouTube channel.
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