NMBLC and partners launched the UpLift program to help the community navigate aid such as rental assistance, vaccine info, financial resources, and more.
The pandemic and everything that followed created challenges for everyone. Many New Mexicans are in crisis and overwhelmed even by the thought of seeking help. The New Mexico Black Leadership Council (NMBLC) has collaborated with other agencies to create the UpLift program. UpLift makes it easier for people to find out about resources and assistance.

The UpLift program focuses on eight areas of temporary relief:
- Emergency Rental Assistance
- COVID-19 Vaccine Facts
- Workforce Development
- Housing Stability
- Mental Health Resources
- Low-Cost Internet
- Voter Registration
- Educational Resources
Over the next few weeks, we will be getting the word out about some of the more critical issues in our community.
Emergency Rental Assistance
The Emergency Rental Assistance program has $170 million to assist households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about what you need in order to be eligible for emergency assistance by clicking here: https://nmblc.org/emergency-rent-help/
COVID-19 Vaccine Facts
Black communities have been the most disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 death rates among Black and African-American households are more than 2.7 times that of White households. Yet, vaccination rates in Whites are two times higher than in Blacks and African-Americans. So why aren’t we getting the vaccine? Find out the COVID-19 myths vs the facts here: https://nmblc.org/vaccine-confidence/
Mental Health Resources
Several mental health resources are available throughout the state of New Mexico: https://nmblc.org/mental-health/
Free and Low-Cost Internet Access
Internet access is essential for functioning in today’s world. It’s not always an option for those with limited financial resources. Find out about how to get help paying for your internet here: https://nmblc.org/broadband-relief/

Voter Registration
Voting is your right as an American citizen. We have several voter registration agents at the NMBLC office who can get you registered. Not registered to vote? Find out how here: https://nmblc.org/voter-registration/
UpLift Partners
NMBLC is collaborating with many organizations to bring you the resources you need:
Emergency Rental Assistance Program – https://www.renthelpnm.org/
New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) – https://www.nmhealth.org/
City of Albuquerque (CABQ) – www.cabq.gov
Bernalillo County – www.bernco.gov
State of New Mexico – www.newmexico.gov
New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) – https://www.dws.state.nm.us/en-us/
New Mexico Crisis and Access Line – https://nmcrisisline.com/
Comcast / Xfinity – https://www.xfinity.com/ and https://www.internetessentials.com/
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